Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Teaching Ideas 4 STL

Transportation Technologies

APPROACH of Audience's ROLE :

option 1- teaching them what to teach and idea generating activities

option 2- teaching them as the student

Transportations: Synthesis
- They need to know what the STL is
- They need to understand what it implies
Lesson Layout

Assessment? HOW?
True/False Questions on board
-purpose= to assess previous understanding of transportation technologies
  1. Combination of people and vehicles working together (this joint effort: society as a working machine: video of city activities, delivery system?- sped up?)
  2. Transportation vehicles made up of subsystems functioning together (i.e. diagram of car- by me, simple and easy, like Tyler's helicopter)
  3. Governmental regulations influence design and operation of transportation systems (i.e. Europe/U.S., cost, gas mileage, durability, engine performance, emissions)
  4. Multiple processes are necessary for entire transportation system to operate together(see # 1, the transportation process of it)
  5. Effects of transportation on other technologies such as manufacturing, construction, communication, health and safety, and agriculture (look up trucker strikes, increased gas prices, import/export tax, etc.)
  6. Intermodalism. interconnected systems moving people and goods around easily from one mode to another (story about dream house on island and needing a boat to get to shore and then car)
  7. Mobilization leads to mobile people constantly on the move (history: impact of car, when first came about)
  8. Intelligent/nonintelligent transportation systems. NonIntelligent: attract with innovative design and incorporation of environment (capitalizing on natural settings) and provide convenience to individuals and groups (i.e. walkways, and bike paths) Intelligent: multi-subsystems that work together to foresee and prevent problems (i.e. smart highways with electronic message boards).

-Give problem/Give requirements/Give goal
-Have map (each group has a different country as their starting point; different product- huge or small; different budget; different terrain)
- divide into groups for projects
(i.e. design the perimeters of a transportation vehicle (choosing also whether it would be using air, water, or land to move on) to solve a specific problem keeping in mind governmental restrictions and societal restrictions.
*Bring groups together; they present choices; we combine
and have a working system that functions as a whole.

STL #18: Students will develop an understanding of and be able to select and use transportation technologies THE DESIGNED WORLD

  • students need experience in developing, using, and analyzing transportation technologies
  • modeling real world situations and concepts
  • open-ended problems
  • students keep journals/handouts
  • report results to rest of the class
In order to select, use, and understand transportation technologies, students should learn
Bullet Points:

  • transporting people and goods involves a combination of individuals and vehicles
  • transportation vehicles are made up of subsystems, such as structural, propulsion, suspension, guidance, control, and support, that must function together for a system to work effectively
  • governmental regulations often influence the design and operation of transportation systems
  • processes, such as receiving, holding, storing, loading, moving, unloading, delivering, evaluating, marketing, managing, communicating, and using conventions are necessary for the entire transportation system to operate efficiently

  • transportation plays a vital role in the operation of other technologies, such as manufacturing, construction, communication, health and safety, and agriculture
  • intermodalism is the use of different modes of transportation, such as highways, railways, and waterways, as part of an interconnected system that can move people and goods easily from on mode to another
  • transportation services and methods have led to a population that is regularly on the move
  • the design of intelligent and nonintelligent transportation systems depends on many processes and innovative techniques

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Be Twixt and Be not Mean, but fair and light-hearted all in all!

Lesson Procedure Idea:

- at the beginning of semester or year have students fill out questionnaire that includes the question of what their favorite candy is.

-have the students prepare a group lesson plan to learn something (i.e. worksheets, presentation, game, etc.) and give rubric

-have them sign up for subject (some aspect of what class has already learned, or is learning- to solidify knowledge) and date
and post it up for reminder with highlighting and then crossing off on calendar for each student that has already presented

-inform that candy on their desk will appear the day before as a last-minute reminder to have lesson prepared for the next class time


Sharing among teachers and discussing among teachers are vital to the success of the students. Teachers, by my definition, are student facilitators. The congregating of observations and ideas are necessary, and all school administrations need to include in their goals multiple opportunities within a school year for teachers from varying grades and subjects to come together and share experience and ideas. It has been said that genius is not in one given person, but only can be when different people from many walks of life meet together and build on one another's experiences and ideas.