Tuesday, January 5, 2010


1 comment:

  1. High contrast between balloons and the sky

    Main focal point are the balloons, because of the bright colors

    Puts a hilarious absurdity into reality- can sense the difference between the cartoony house and the realistic clouds.

    Leads eye around pretty well

    Not a lot going on in the design
    - good because allows viewer to interpret the story as they will, and grabs the viewer's attention

    The text of the title "UP" has soft rounded edges and mirrors the softness of the balloons.

    The values of the "May 29..." text with .............

    Good to put the producers name by the title - because it's a selling point

    Little blue spot of sky showing in between the clouds- was a good move because it prevents the poster from being divided in two halves....

    If "UP" was white it would be too distracting, because of the stark contrast that would occur against the bright blue.

    The light in the upper left provides balance to the light decrease in the lower right
